**Cute cute doggy............
Eirr, I just realized that there are people who selling puppies by online www.lowyat.net/topic/1351257 uh... Many choices and lots of cute cute puppies uh.... Husky cute cute, Golden Redriver, and the cute cute poodle as well. And there are some others classes of the doggies too~~~~ ♥ ♥
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
After Final Examination
**Have been trying to get some zZzz, but failed to do so :(
And so..... today was the last of the last and the last of the final examination, the final of the final that I have done in UCSI xD!!! So, should I feel happy? hiehie... Actually there is another subject that I worried the most, which is Antenna, I hope I could pass this subject and will feel blessed if I could get just firm 50/100 haha, Amien!!
I got no idea on what I have done this passed sunday, did not really focus and finished studied. Facing my notebook and playing facebook, reading unrelated articles and doing some online shopping LoLz!!! Seconds by second, minutes by minute and hours by hour the time has passed. Everymovements of the time just after 2am making my heart pumping so fast!! Went to bed at 3am, while I havent covered all the lecturers, have been lied down for hours and I decided to wake up at 4am... Yerrrr!! Listened to something that rediculus omg, really don't know, many sounds I heard from plenty of frequency levels xD!!! Then, doing some mask on my face and again facing my notebook 'til time moved to 5am!! omg-.-'' Continued studying after getting shower and accidentally slept at 7 ~ 8. I felt oh no, I don't want to sit for this paper!! Tough, continued zZzz 'til 8.30am, sounds silly and funny?? =.=
And yeah... I believed that "Regret is always placed at the back" 30minutes before the exam, this is the worst that I felt disappointed to myself and regret as the fullest thinking of jumping from the library to downstair =P thinking of find a way not to enter the exam hall, skipping the paper and so.... "Why such a big regret?" --> 'coz this paper is not hard as hard as antenna!!
During the exam, "Wahh... wahhh,... hope what i have answered is correct, hope i can pass the subject, hope the day is always bright here......" =)
Anyway, after the exam, wewww~~ happy happy happy looo~~~~ Went MV buy some stuff for friend's present and back Cheras yay 5pm the time when they all going to swim, that's really a right time so continued for swim swim~~!!
Planning to sleep after swimming, but guess what?? oh today is monday=.= (*in my feeling,today is saturday LOL)... Monday, oh no, my tv series at 7pm is important, so I stay awake from 7~8pm... Again 8.30pm is another series LOL!! 1/2 hr for me for to take bath again continued for the next tv series until 9.30pm..
Thinking of "Oh great that I can sleep now!!!" ^_^)) but guess what again? hmm out of my expectation I am awake until now 1.30 am Tuesday!!! Well, in the middle was talking to sis & bros... Uhh, what happened to me, insomnia? or the coffee effect still in my bloodstream?? xD!!!
And so..... today was the last of the last and the last of the final examination, the final of the final that I have done in UCSI xD!!! So, should I feel happy? hiehie... Actually there is another subject that I worried the most, which is Antenna, I hope I could pass this subject and will feel blessed if I could get just firm 50/100 haha, Amien!!
I got no idea on what I have done this passed sunday, did not really focus and finished studied. Facing my notebook and playing facebook, reading unrelated articles and doing some online shopping LoLz!!! Seconds by second, minutes by minute and hours by hour the time has passed. Everymovements of the time just after 2am making my heart pumping so fast!! Went to bed at 3am, while I havent covered all the lecturers, have been lied down for hours and I decided to wake up at 4am... Yerrrr!! Listened to something that rediculus omg, really don't know, many sounds I heard from plenty of frequency levels xD!!! Then, doing some mask on my face and again facing my notebook 'til time moved to 5am!! omg-.-'' Continued studying after getting shower and accidentally slept at 7 ~ 8. I felt oh no, I don't want to sit for this paper!! Tough, continued zZzz 'til 8.30am, sounds silly and funny?? =.=
And yeah... I believed that "Regret is always placed at the back" 30minutes before the exam, this is the worst that I felt disappointed to myself and regret as the fullest thinking of jumping from the library to downstair =P thinking of find a way not to enter the exam hall, skipping the paper and so.... "Why such a big regret?" --> 'coz this paper is not hard as hard as antenna!!
During the exam, "Wahh... wahhh,... hope what i have answered is correct, hope i can pass the subject, hope the day is always bright here......" =)
Anyway, after the exam, wewww~~ happy happy happy looo~~~~ Went MV buy some stuff for friend's present and back Cheras yay 5pm the time when they all going to swim, that's really a right time so continued for swim swim~~!!
Planning to sleep after swimming, but guess what?? oh today is monday=.= (*in my feeling,today is saturday LOL)... Monday, oh no, my tv series at 7pm is important, so I stay awake from 7~8pm... Again 8.30pm is another series LOL!! 1/2 hr for me for to take bath again continued for the next tv series until 9.30pm..
Thinking of "Oh great that I can sleep now!!!" ^_^)) but guess what again? hmm out of my expectation I am awake until now 1.30 am Tuesday!!! Well, in the middle was talking to sis & bros... Uhh, what happened to me, insomnia? or the coffee effect still in my bloodstream?? xD!!!
Happy holiday all my friends that have already done their exam!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
**Good morning world.........
It's the last morning I have to have the another morning for the last paper, my last exam, it's gonna be cool!!! But yet, I haven't studied yet uhh!!
But today not feeling healthy =( how could I proceed to study?? hiks hikss... Hope I get well soon in today huhu!! Drink more water, herbal tea and anything that could make me well hiehie...!!
It's the last morning I have to have the another morning for the last paper, my last exam, it's gonna be cool!!! But yet, I haven't studied yet uhh!!
But today not feeling healthy =( how could I proceed to study?? hiks hikss... Hope I get well soon in today huhu!! Drink more water, herbal tea and anything that could make me well hiehie...!!
25 Apr 2010, Sunday
**Chatting chatting chatting................. omg
Fuih...!! Me, facing my laptop for the whole day and time!! Unless sleeping and eating LoL!!
Well, until today I haven't even touched my Com system notes and it's exam on Monday man!!! Gosh!!! "mimi pls go go go study!!" hiehieee..........
Today went swimming with my best friend just after we have stopped swimming for long time huh!!! It's only 1/2 hour, I felt so tired and yea, it was so hot!! that making us could not stay longer there....
Err,tired now, lets stop here...
Fuih...!! Me, facing my laptop for the whole day and time!! Unless sleeping and eating LoL!!
Well, until today I haven't even touched my Com system notes and it's exam on Monday man!!! Gosh!!! "mimi pls go go go study!!" hiehieee..........
Today went swimming with my best friend just after we have stopped swimming for long time huh!!! It's only 1/2 hour, I felt so tired and yea, it was so hot!! that making us could not stay longer there....
Err,tired now, lets stop here...
to be continue... xD!!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Friday, 16th April 2010
**It has been a busy time for few days back!!
Well, I got so much thing to share today :D
Good news here, me and my friends all of us have done our FYP report and also a journal paper.. sounds great huu!! :D
This few days was busying on writing report, designing hardware and fabricating hardware as well!! was a really climate of the year xD!!!
Well, when fabricating the PCB, washing by acid, it contaminated my most precious ring uh!! Yea, no worries lol, I did it before, but just a little bit...And so this time almost the whole ring is in black color huh!! Yea, I got no time to take the pic, it was last 2 days... Let me show you how it is now =D

Uhh Suddenly of thinking nothing to share here anymore lol!!
Good luck to everyone in exam, for those who not student,, good luck in your career :D
Well, I got so much thing to share today :D
Good news here, me and my friends all of us have done our FYP report and also a journal paper.. sounds great huu!! :D
This few days was busying on writing report, designing hardware and fabricating hardware as well!! was a really climate of the year xD!!!
Well, when fabricating the PCB, washing by acid, it contaminated my most precious ring uh!! Yea, no worries lol, I did it before, but just a little bit...And so this time almost the whole ring is in black color huh!! Yea, I got no time to take the pic, it was last 2 days... Let me show you how it is now =D

Uhh Suddenly of thinking nothing to share here anymore lol!!
Good luck to everyone in exam, for those who not student,, good luck in your career :D
Monday, April 12, 2010
FYP Report
Today must to FYP report much much!!! hiiieee~
Today's target is done chapter 1 and 70% for chapter 3.!!! XD!!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Never Alone
**Listening to Never Alone by Lady Antebellum...........
Well, you'd never be alone!!!
Home is always where the heart is...............
Dream'in on your beautiful day......
Lie on palm of God, you'd never be alone....!!
Home is always where the heart is...............
Dream'in on your beautiful day......
Lie on palm of God, you'd never be alone....!!
*Tough you're in very hard situation.....
you'd never be alone~Friday, April 9, 2010
10th April 2010
**Having a bowl of mee goreng sedap after doing assignment.............. Currently listening to the "La Corda, violin version..............
Well I have been rushing to do my assignment just now right after I woke up at 8.30pm... I rush rush for my dinner, because I've told myself, if I couldn't complete it then better don't ever think to have dinner hahahha!!!! Well, now I've done it, and the task that I've left is only my final year project. yeaa, as well as waiting for the final examination period!!!
Fuiiihhh~!!! well, now most of the works have already done, and I left the most critical task on my life in UCSI!!! wish I can do the best I could.... MIMI AJA!!!!!
I am so touching to see all friends's hardworks ever and ever..... When the competition was going on, in my mind, winning ain't a fact to make us happy!! but with our hardworks and full effort, im sure we can feel the satisfaction on it and on what we have done.... On the other hand, if we simply2 do works, it doesn't seem any value on our product...!! Value of own, value of love and value of satisfaction~
Well, friends.... didn't get any place don;t be sad, be happy for everything that you have done =))
Congratulation to my friends who have brought back gold medals, silver and bronze medals...
(I love you all's cars die die... LoL!!)
Ok, lets move on to your FYP mimi!!!
Well I have been rushing to do my assignment just now right after I woke up at 8.30pm... I rush rush for my dinner, because I've told myself, if I couldn't complete it then better don't ever think to have dinner hahahha!!!! Well, now I've done it, and the task that I've left is only my final year project. yeaa, as well as waiting for the final examination period!!!
Fuiiihhh~!!! well, now most of the works have already done, and I left the most critical task on my life in UCSI!!! wish I can do the best I could.... MIMI AJA!!!!!
I am so touching to see all friends's hardworks ever and ever..... When the competition was going on, in my mind, winning ain't a fact to make us happy!! but with our hardworks and full effort, im sure we can feel the satisfaction on it and on what we have done.... On the other hand, if we simply2 do works, it doesn't seem any value on our product...!! Value of own, value of love and value of satisfaction~
Well, friends.... didn't get any place don;t be sad, be happy for everything that you have done =))
Congratulation to my friends who have brought back gold medals, silver and bronze medals...
(I love you all's cars die die... LoL!!)
Ok, lets move on to your FYP mimi!!!
Please appreciate on what we've got.........
Don't underestimate on people's ability....
As you can see the successfull of Susan on her competition on "Americans Got Talent"Everyone, anyone of us must have our own ability............
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
8th Apr 2010
*back from lunch.......... Currently listening on the Fifteen_Taylor Swift~
Well, today I stay at home, not going to my favorite place, our R&D Lab.. haha.... Wish to do my Communication System Assignment that will be submitted tomorrow :(
Anyway, I'd like to share yesterday presentation on our Embedded class... Embedded System class is the project based subject... This project is to prove the UART Communication between PC and MCU... My teammates KX & YL... They have done a really great job on their programming.. =D I was in-charged on our hardware part... It was a really satisfied group project that I have ever done since last time.. And so, very happy that 3 of us were able to give surprised to our lecturer Mr.R :D We have kept this project for few days. We got to purposely go to another Lab to do this project. He never asked and mentioned about our project (Hmmm, this really made us thought that he knew it lol!!) He was unbelieved that the project's outlook is like that when he looked at the presentation slides hihii...
Well, I should show up our project :D

This is our mini piano :D
There are four songs that YL's has programmed it. There all are mostly the favorite of Mr.R... Too bad that all the songs cannot be fit in the single chip... This due to the chip has already out of memory **sobs-sobs... But we managed to show all the four songs with the complete functions on UART communication to Sir =)
There was Light for Embedded now, no more darkening on it!! LoL...
Well, yesterday was a horrible day tough!! Me & YL, we got 2 presentations and the time boundary was so closed lol... Killer Antenna was 3.30pm and continued with 5.00pm... It didn't look good for Antenna presentation...
And so, we are waiting for the Killer Antenna final exam!!! So scare scare, two exams on that day!!! Ganbatteeee to us :D
Still a little bit tired... But got to continue with com system assignment huh!!! GOOD LUCK to me & my best friend!!!
There was Light for Embedded now, no more darkening on it!! LoL...
Well, yesterday was a horrible day tough!! Me & YL, we got 2 presentations and the time boundary was so closed lol... Killer Antenna was 3.30pm and continued with 5.00pm... It didn't look good for Antenna presentation...
And so, we are waiting for the Killer Antenna final exam!!! So scare scare, two exams on that day!!! Ganbatteeee to us :D
Still a little bit tired... But got to continue with com system assignment huh!!! GOOD LUCK to me & my best friend!!!
No closing note for today.........
Saturday, April 3, 2010
4th April 2010
*Doing work now....... wuu wuu wuuu~~~
Today is again another tiring day!! haha me n my team mates were doing project the whole day for today. A weekend doesn't seem as a good weekend haha!!! That's is study life, especially the due date is near ON... lol.!
So today's progress was not bad... Quite good for all of us..
Well, I've realized that I have to learn to be more patience n calm!!
Good luck to me~
Get back to work then................
Today is again another tiring day!! haha me n my team mates were doing project the whole day for today. A weekend doesn't seem as a good weekend haha!!! That's is study life, especially the due date is near ON... lol.!
So today's progress was not bad... Quite good for all of us..
Well, I've realized that I have to learn to be more patience n calm!!
Good luck to me~
Get back to work then................
Friday, April 2, 2010
2nd March 2010 - 10.45pm
Haiz sigh huh!! =.= =(( zzz!!!
sienzz haiz, speechless!!! =.= T.T
I've done a stupid thing stupiddddddddddd..!!! stupid mimi!!! haiz!!!! Speechless to me!!! :(((
Thursday, April 1, 2010
2nd March 2010
very tired very tired very tired very tired!!!!! =(
but today's mood not bad, just feeling so tired!!!!
Com'on mimi!!! Try to strengthen yourself!!!
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