"lol.. What'd you do if accidentally realized that your hard-drive still have some photos of you and your x? xD!!! X-man!!"
-> :shift+delete, enter?
-> :ah, just go through 'em and left them there~
-> :go smack your lappie xD!!!
-> :go bang wall=P
"Woke up in the morning at about 8am, when turned my head to the waker clock, I was wooooa omgg!!!! 1pm?!?!?!!!! Deadbeat!!! But when looked at my phone, ah it's still early and get back to sleep=P
Had been passing the really-super hectic weeks as the week after travelling Sg with my mom, didn't meet her until today.. Yeah~~
And today mom and sister have returned our home sweet home.. I guess it's been a tiring day for them, travelling all the way from Melaka, then LCCT and back to Pekanbaru.. Thanks God, they are safely home=)
There are a lot a lot of things that I would like to share today, I hope I could make it as brief as possible;)
Singapore Trip: 9-10Apr: I enjoyed the time with mom and the aunties there.. A little bit hard time to be, full of responsibilities and every drop of sweats are so meaningful to be.. Special thanks to my friends Fenny & Gufo. You both are Superrrr, without you guys I believe the walkway to the Zoo gonna kill me there.. And of course not forgetting my friend Bebeth.. It has been 5years I didn't meet her, just right after her graduation time at Inti.
And of course we, 3 of us will never forget of our promise!! Yeah, it was in the train way to KL from Nilai, and it was the time that our 光良-gor gor's song 约定 went so famous and we were singing it and talked about it.. So what'd made us do this promised? and What's the promise? *swt''' *now I think back: "This is childish" Funny!!!!!!! Hhahaa~
At least the promised has been fulfilled=D As Fenny said "At least we did not disappoint gor gor GuangLiang" ah, what's that?!?!?!! =$
Yeap, it was Day1 there, me, mom and the 3aunties went to Sentosa.. Enn, just went there to have some fresh air at the beach side.. Had a cup of coffee and pizza-resto there with mom and an aunt, while the two aunties were enjoying their photo-snapping=D Continued with the underworld water then back to the place where we're staying and of course DINNER!!!! I was seriously HUNGRY!! but too bad, we were 5people, we can't get in a cab together.. Seeing they were so tired, I decided to let my mom with them so they can eat first~ and seek for bus back there~ Cool!! My friends were there, planning to meet up with me=D appreciated you guys "love ya" *muacksss~ After sending mom back to room, yeah 2nd bowl meehoon was awaiting =.=|| then we went for the 3rd round => snow iceeeeee~~~ snow ice in the mid-nite omg!!! Went to China town... was really enjoying with you girls~~

Me & mom at the beach;)

Snow ice in the mid-nite~

My besties;)
Naa, now D2: Woke up in the morning, packed some breakfast for them then we started our next trip~ hmm went to the temple, see see and "pai pai" then walk walk bought souvenirs and waiting for a friend then heading to the Zoo!! Wohaa~ this was the fast walk-Zoo eh!! In the zoo, met another friend.. I am seriously thanks to both of them who have accompanied my day there and yeah helping me taking care of my mom and the aunties=)
Yeap, we all.. "regret that not managed to take some snaps with Fenny & Gufo;(
but chances are always there=D
Everything seems went to be all right, but then when Fenny called me and said that she wasn't in the same cab with my mom and couldn't find my mom while I was away heading to get back our stuffs in a shop. In a while, I was shocked!! Just like my heart has stopped pumping for seconds and my mind was all turning everything rounds.. My goodness, no jokes for this please!!! But managed to call my mom with her Malaysia number sigh!! As long as I can find her and know where she is, then I am alive back!! God bless!!! Still, thank you so much Fenny!!! You're my true friend I know that=) And Gufo, thank you so much for driving me all around Singapore, but it wasn't the right time to be!! Ahh!! Guys, don't ever ever use Google map in Singapore. I bet you gotta miss most of the junctions!! LoL! That was what me and Gufo experienced=( also running all the way looking for bus stop!!?! with some packed food!! What the hell? Jogging in the middle of the day *SWT|||
Guys, endless thankful!!! The next trip to Singapore, I won't bring much trouble to you guyss... also to the rest of you~~~~~ ^^))
Days after submitting, so called reportsss & demonstrations:
And my days have been upside down for a while~ they are sleeping, I was doing works, while they are working, I am sleeping~~ No more! Now no more!! lol!!
Yeap, ...and 2weeks fully in the jungle, but yeaa, I did enjoy live in the jungle Nottingham=D and only yesterday yeahh went downtown for getting only one thing!! But ended it brought me went broke xD!!! Lowyat, Sg.wang (*as indoor walkway only), TimeSquare!! with my housemate, AikChun~ hmm@_@ *tired-.-" but achieved all my objectives, even have over achieved 'em that causing me have to cook everyday after this?!>.<

One of the objective of the day;)

Ready to send to my mom=D

Random shot~

Ice cream~ice cream~~

I guess this is 2nd time snapping at Sg.Wang so far.. hmm~ Sg.Wang looks not bad in photo though.....

Now you know what drive me broke!!! Adidas running shoe, adiPrene
hmm... The lady is so good in marketing, "since you're our first customer for this model, we give you 10% disc" lolz *speechless, thanks anyway~
So not like me, right? Cause of Green? xD!!

Have been looking for flat slipper, finally got ya~

5-years old~ Not the time to say RIP yet, I will fix it out~

"Finding the missing Adidas"
This is the most cheapest Adidas I had.. About 80-bucks wow.. it was 70% disc
Sadly I got to say good bye.. the missing Adidas='(
**my friend said it is just like a glow in the dark shoe, of course easy to spot one!! Sad sad!!
That's all for today~ Enjoy the rest of the night guyss~~~ Another day for your long holiday!!! Chop chop have some fun there~~~!! Otherwise, you'll find the day will be your working day again :-x
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