Saturday, February 27, 2010


Sometimes I really don't know what to do... I'm doing my way, I'm doing anything I would like to, and I am not doing anything that I don't want to... But, it makes people feeling unhappy... I just wish people around me, all my friends live happily!! :)

I'm a quiet person, not talkative, but sometimes like to give jokes and talk as well (so I'm a moody person). In my thinking, I'm a very simple person, not easy to be hurt but easy to get touched, no small heart, love to being fair (but I know this world, nothing is fair!), I like to do things freely as I like! :)

I don't like to be controlled by other people!! If I am sad or angry, lets go to bed mimi!! then she will be pretty good after awakening. LoL

I hope all I have done and all I've never done will not make my surrounding friends sad & unhappy!!! Hope you understand and good luck :^_^

Mimi wishes everyone (my family & friends) stays healthy and be happy :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Chinese New Year 2010

Just came back from friend's house for new year gathering & mini gambling hihi...

Were going for dinner with the group :) The R&D members and Ah Sir :) Happy that we all together gather and celebrating new year just like a family, and yeaa, we are a huge family!!! Strong and Sir always be our guardian!! :D

Well, new year is here... I have passed really great new year that I ever had right after I studying abroad. It has been 4 new year that I didn't back to my home sweet home. And this year is really a great new year celebration for me, gather with my family, lunch dinner and even work together with family (especially dad and mom). Well, I can't elaborate much here... 'coz it's just too much joyful that I felt in this new year which could not express here, what I really can is feel the harmony of my family and only one thing which is I am feeling so lucky that I can go back this new year :))

Wish all my friends have had a great new year this year and the rest of the year as well \^.^))

Mimi feels pleasure to have a great family....
Love daddy-mommy, bros-sis and friends :))

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Many many story - Joyful Receiving

Wah... Finally I am finished doing my log book!!! Sigh... today woke up at 8am, then straight doing my log book.... Until now only I am done lol... now having my lunch, cooked mie goreng xD!!! Well, done quite many things at the same time hahaha!!! printing for log book, but, attach on my log book, write log book.... hanging clothes while cooked mee and packing some left out things lolz!! And one more thing that I am so happy is I am able to find and buy the "mini lime" for my mama :) I bet she must like it so much!!! Love ya mom!! :D

Has been 3 days that I did not upload my blog already. Really wanted to share there last two days after I knew that my passport has been done proceed.. When I took it, my hear was so *exclaiming!!!! Hahaahaa... Finally I can go home in this new year!!!! And the unknown status of where I would be at during new year has beed removed hahahhaa!!! Thanks thanks, thanks to UCSI that able to help me out on this!!! :))

Ok, get back to today....

After woke up at 8am, I did my log book (*just before washing my face and eating anything yet... and so before I brushed my teeth *hikhik *wink) I wrote the previous that I have left out. After completed it was about 10am. My neighbour aunt called me and asked if I have ready to go buy the mini lime at garden. Then me following aunt went to the garden at Cheras Hartamas. It was abit cold to talk to her oh!!! Because we are different channel hahhaha... She spokes Chantonese and I speak Chinese LoL... She doesnot speak Chinese, ok, I can listen lol... and I can speak abit abit only... lol So I talked to her in Chantonese loh!!! Well, abit hard hahaha but it;s ok... aunt is so nice, she is really nice :D I found the mini lime le!! hehe it is RM30 ok lah, I think I am able to bring it back home for mama :^.^
(I didnt have time to take the pic, let me upload it after I am back from new year :))

Ok lah, I think that's all for today, wanna go to college to get the gui gui from sir and get stamp stamp from Mr.Raj. hiihihiii

Today's joyful sharing by mimi :)

Oops!!! Nearly forgotten!!! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO ALL MY FRIENDS WHO ARE GOING TO CELEBRATE IT!!! "May you all & beloved family have a very enjoyable new year! Be happy, cheersful and of course take care of health!! Don't make yourself fall to sick oh!!"

Mimi Loves family & friends~

Monday, February 8, 2010

Great Day after Antenna Test 1

Currently listening to the birds singing outside there.. Such a peaceful day!!

Well Hey..!! Today I have skipped two classes, just because of wishing to prepare the Test 1 Antenna & EMC. So wasted skipping two classes at the same day, and the more wasting time I felt is I did not really study much during that time. I spent my time to sleep again, **sigh!!! Everytime I lie down on my bed and reading the notes, surely will end up to the dream world again! LoL... Such a !@#$%^&*()_+ (Really dont know why, I much change this!!! Mimi come'on!! Change this bad habit!!!).

Before the test, I entered the class, YeeLooi passed me my test paper of Com System, Wahh Mr.Low, he is really really a very efficient lecturer. We did the test on last wednesday and he has already passed our test paper today :) I've got 10/10. Yea, that is what I expected :D Thanks Sir :)

Okey, lets talk about how the test was going on!!! Hahaha Test going on just so so.. Idle I will fail the paper or just pass like that. hahaha Really, I didnt feel worry, hurry and excited on the test. (am I giving up?? Or I'm just steadily patience?? Hahaha....) I was feeling good that time, just dont know why, I should excited and worry mah!!! When the test has started, I looked at the question paper, in my mind said "oh!!! this question, I saw it in the text book's question" lol, but she has reduced some of the information already. Well, it doesn't cause much different.

I am able to answer all the questions given. But bear in mind, it doesn't mean that I am able to score this paper, huh!! :( (Just wait for it to release mimi!! ^.^)

After I've done all the questions, I planned to pass up and suddenly I look at the 2nd question which is 10marks. "Oouch!!! I did wrong, it's due to copying wrong equation, shouldn't have a "square" there and I added a square. I am able to correct the question and finally I passed up the paper in time as well. :^_^

Ooyeyy.... Scary test has passed also, then now is me, Yee Looi and Weng Weng's happy time loh!!! That's Swimming Time!! :)
Me was hurrying to the stationary shop to buy cake and roti. Was really really hungry after the test. Then went to the swimming pool and ate the roti, felt Yummy!!! Weng and YeeLooi then came, they also ate the cake before we start party in the pool :D
Today is really a meaningful of swimming time :)) I felt great in today's swimming ^.^ three of us were swimming and playing, well play jumping to the pool hahaha.... My goodness, really scare when I wanted to jump for the 1st time like Yee Looi. YeeLooi kept saying "let's try, no worries,!" and finally I did, I was omg, it's really pain, pain on my stomach and my food huh?!! The water hitting my body lol... really pain man!! but it's fun!! :D Then 3 of us did try a type also which running and then jumping to the pool..! Wow, I felt great jumping that way :D hahahha me, YeeLooi and Weng Weng felt really tired but we felt so fun!! Finally the time is up, 6.30pm (**ring...ring...ring...) We prepared to back home, before that as usual, went to mandi first :))

Meaningful of Swimming Time...
Happiness brings peaceful in life :))

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tomorrow Test 1 - Antenna & EMC

Sigh...!!! Tomorrow is the test 1 for Antenna & EMC. I really lost and lost willingness to study it.. Why? Why? I have tried to concentrate study, well, done catching the whole topic in few hours. Even I have finished the topic, it doesn't mean I am able to do the whole problems xD!!!! This time test, really didn't feel like having a test tomorrow hahaha!!! Hope everything goes well tomorrow.

A good test was passed, and a horrible test is coming!!!! **sigh... How to pass for tomorrow paper? Or can I score ever? Ouch, as long as tonight I am able to dream of tomorrow's paper, it's gonne be a good time for me tomorrow then!!! (*mimi think too much!!)

Alot of things are covered for this coming test, even tough it is only 2 chapters. I don't know how to say, should blame on the lecturer or blame or the subject?? haha I dont think so.!! The lecturer shouldn't be blamed and the topic is always fixed. The one to be blamed should be "Me". Wasting the whole day for laziness. xD!!! Well, regret is always at the end, never in the begining.! Should not regret for me up to now! Because, I still have tomorrow and the rest of tonight :) Wish a smiling face on me will face up tomorrow after the test! (**seems it's impossible lolzz)

Anyway, wish me all the best for tomorrow's test!!! Aja Aja Mimi!!!!

Currently is about 12am, 7th February 2010, Sunday

"If regret can be set at the begining, then people will always success in their life!!!"

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Diseases, Please go away!!!

Well, this is my first new blog on blogger!! I ever created a blog as well, but just too long for me to leave it, just left it and stopped blogging on it. Just since that time, that incident. Yet, got no time for blogging as well.

Now, I would like to share something about diseases that happened to my aunt. My 2nd aunt. :( It's too sad after hearing she had such losta problems on her health. She couldn't walk, and is not able to do anything. Doctor said she has affected by a virus named as "Edino Kasima" not so sure whether the spelling is right or not.!!!

How to discard those virus?? erm, Doctor said by doing radiation to kill the viruses, or else doing Chemotherapy!! erm.... how can imagine that doing radiation for 10 time not in a year..!! It's killing the virus, right! but also decrease her lifetime. Well, if there is no other choices, then we will continue for it. I am trying to search for any other ways to kill the virus.

Ganbette Mimi des!!!!!

Virus. Diseases. Please go away!!! Health. Wealth. Welcome!!!